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Become a Member

Membership Details

Become a member today!  Choose from the three classes of memberships available and start enjoying the benefits.  

(Subject to Board approval.)

Members enjoy benefits such as:

(Member Benefits 2024)


1. After two full years of membership in good standing, members will receive an 8% discount on overall costs, excluding alcohol, for any member-sponsored event; for example, a party or wedding.


2. At a member-sponsored event, the member will have the option to serve their own wine during the meal only.  The member must pay a corkage fee for each bottle used. Corkage fees are $9.00 per litre.  The member is required to obtain a special Liquor License Permit and the Club’s bar has to be closed while the member’s special permit is in effect. 


3. The member will receive a $500.00 discount off the total food bill for a member’s funeral reception being held at the club.  The discount is applied to the total before gratuities and taxes.


4. Members may purchase house wine and domestic beer at a cost of $5.00 per serving while at the club on Sunday and Wednesday for extra curricular activities.  A Smart Serve Certificate is required to serve alcoholic beverages.


5. Members have free use of the bocce fields.  Guests also participate for free if playing with a member.


6. Castagnata are free to members.


7. Children’s Christmas Party is free to children twelve years of age and under, who are children and grandchildren of members.



ACTIVE MEMBER: shall be a person 18 years of age or older, of Italian birth, descent or relation. An active member in good standing shall enjoy the privileges of the Corporation and shall have the right to vote and hold office.

ASSOCIATE MEMBER: shall be a person 18 years of age or older, NOT of Italian birth, descent or relation. An associate member in good standing shall enjoy all the privileges of an active member including the right to attend at General Meetings but SHALL NOT

HONORARY MEMBER: shall be a person 18 years of age or older, elected by the Executive Committee because of eminence, personal character, positions of honour and influence. He SHALL NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE OR HOLD OFFICE but shall have the right to attend at General Meetings.

To apply for a membership with us, you can fill out the online application below.

The Membership Fee for the Italo-Canadian Club is $150.00 + $19.50 HST totaling $169.50. Spousal membership is $75.00 + $9.75 HST totaling $84.75. Applicants must be sponsored by two members in good standing. Membership renewals are eligible for an early payment discount of $50.00 and $25.00 respectively and apply if dues are PAID BEFORE MARCH 1st.

The fees prior to March 1st are $100.00 + $13.00 HST totaling $113.00 and $50.00 + $6.50 HST totaling 
$56.50 for the spousal membership.

Please note: Former members may rejoin the club without penalty (back dues). They must however pay dues for the next 10 consecutive years to qualify for the age exception benefit, regardless of age.

Apply to be a Member

Please email the completed form to

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